April 2025

Booking your private hockey training session at SEH Development Group is quick and convenient. Scroll below to choose between individual one-on-one sessions or small group training based on your preference.

Simply complete the booking request form on this page, and one of our coaches will respond to your request ASAP.

Remember, with limited availability, our training sessions fill up fast! 

* Please note that all booking submissions are REQUESTS.  You will be contacted by our staff to confirm your selection.

IMPORTANT: Check your SPAM / JUNK folder for new messages from ScorersEdge@gmail.com. Be sure to add this address into your safe sender list.

New Availability

25-Mar Tuesday 4:15pm

26-Mar Wednesday 2:30pm

31-Mar Monday 3:15 pm

31-Mar Monday 4:15pm

07-Apr Monday 3:15pm

07-Apr Monday 4:15pm

08-Apr Tuesday 3:15pm

08-Apr Tuesday 4:15pm

09-Apr Wednesday 4:15pm

10-Apr Thursday 4:15pm

14-Apr Monday 3:15pm

14-Apr Monday 4:15pm

15-Apr Tuesday 3:15pm

15-Apr Tuesday 4:15pm

16-Apr Wednesday 4:15pm

17-Apr Thursday 4:15pm

18-Apr Friday 4:30pm

21-Apr Monday 3:15pm

21-Apr Monday 4:15pm

22-Apr Tuesday 3:15pm

22-Apr Tuesday 4:15pm

23-Apr Wednesday 4:15pm

24-Apr Thursday 4:15pm

25-Apr Friday 4:30pm

28-Apr Monday 4:15pm

29-Apr Tuesday 4:15pm

30-Apr Wednesday 4:15pm


1.   All sessions take place at the Pettit National Ice Center (unless otherwise stated)

-    Ice times are after school daily starting around 3-4:30 pm and change monthly

-    Additional ice times are always available on days your child is off of school

2.   Cost per One hour session ** New Prices Begin Sept 1st, 2024

-     $120              1 Player

-     $90 each       2 Players

-     $80 each       3 Players

-     $70 each       4 Players or more

3.  Payment
- Once you are granted a slot you must go online and register for the session and pay via Credit  Card. Your slot will not be secured until this is complete.

4.  Ice Fee
- New this year: The $20 ice fee is built into the cost

- Players still need to sign in at the Pettit window but will not pay

5.  Age
- Players must be at least 8 years old, If younger, we will schedule 1 lesson to see if they can handle this type of learning environment, if so we will move forward

6.   Program:

-     Main focus areas are skating, puck control, and shooting

-     We are also willing to work on anything that you feel your child needs to address

-     Otherwise we assess the player abilities in all skill areas and have them perform drills that will help them in their areas of weakness or promote their strengths

7.  Sign-up:

-     Monthly schedule will be emailed to everyone on our distribution list

-     We will allow approximately 24 hours for all requests to be submitted

-     Act fast as slots fill up very quickly each month

-     We then fill the slots, per the requests, with an effort to get all players involved

-     After that I will fill remaining sessions on a first come first serve basis

8. From time to time you may be asked to share a lesson with a player of similar age or ability

9. If you are unable to make a session you must notify us at least 24 hours in advance

-     This gives us time to possibly fill the spot with another skater

-     Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the session payment

10.  Expectations

-     We require that all players come with a good attitude, are focused and ready to work hard. They must come with an open mind and a willingness to improve 

-     If at any point this is not the case we will inform the parents of the situation

-     If the problem continues we will no longer work with that player