Goalies Edge will be running goalie specific camps for specific age groups. These camps are a great way to get on the ice with other goalies and work on goalie skills and game-like situations. The younger group will focus on building the fundamentals that will develop into strong habits for their upcoming seasons. The older group will be focusing on game situations, game awareness and how to get themselves to the next level. 
Put the work in this summer to make your next season a championship winning one!

Each day will include a 1 hour goalie specific dryland session. These goalie specific sessions will focus on quickness, hand eye coordination, balance and flexibility. 


AGES: Midget/HS (2007-2011 Birth years) 

COST: $895

DATES:  June 17th through August 7th

DETAILS: 8-Week Program

  • 2x's On-ice per week

  • 2x's Dryland per week


    11:00am - 12:00pm Dryland
    12:15am - 1:15pm On Ice


    11:00am - 12:00pm Dryland
    12:15pm - 1:15pm On Ice

    LOCATIONPettit National Ice Center: 500 South 84th St., Milwaukee, WI 53214

    $100 down to reserve your spot.  Payment plan automatic draws on May 1st, June 1st, and July 1st


AGES: Youth (2012-2017 Birth years) 

COST: $495

DATES:  June 18th through August 6th

DETAILS: 8-Week Program

  • 1x On-ice per week

  • 1x Dryland per week


    11:30 am - 12:30 pm Dryland
    12:45 pm - 1:45 pm On Ice

    LOCATIONPettit National Ice Center: 500 South 84th St., Milwaukee, WI 53214

    $100 down to reserve your spot.  Payment plan automatic draws on May 1st, June 1st, and July 1st


    Scorer's Edge Hockey is offering a Holiday Camp that will focus on Comprehensive Player Development. We will be working on each individual goalie’s game by focusing on three main areas of development; Game skills applied to Game situations, executed at Game speed. Goalies will learn the key elements of stance, skating, positioning, save selection, rebound control, puck playing and off ice training for general athleticism. The first session of the day will be designed around stance, skating and positioning. After the off ice training, the second on ice session will be focused on save selection, rebound control and puck playing.


    Goalies Edge offers private lessons throughout the entire year. We work with goalies of all ages and levels ( boys and girls).

    We pride ourselves on teaching the individual skills many players are not able to work on during the typical team practice structure.


    Capitalizing on our staff's considerable experience the Goalie's Edge will work with your program or individual team to help develop a season long development plan for goalies. This will include in-season coaching form the Goalie's Edge staff, weekly practice plan template, development focuses, and drill planning.

    Additionally we help coaches form individual teams in developing ways on coaching goalies when a goalie coach is not present.